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Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine are a complete system of healthcare and have resolved a wide array of conditions for thousands of years. Robert Koagedal has the ability and experience to treat complex medical complaints. If you or someone you know is suffering from any of these conditions, there’s a good chance we can help. Schedule an appointment, and we will give you a complete evaluation and personalized course of treatment.
Saving Amy was founded with a mission to empower individuals and families transitioning out of homelessness by transforming lives through mentoring, teaching life skills, educational advancement, and financial stability through employment.
The Saving Amy community knows how important it is to help foster continued healing, connect to resources, teach life skills, and nurture inner transformation. Through love and compassion we provide a supportive community that provides hope and encouragement. Every person deserves a place, the dream of a better life, self-worth and dignity. Saving Amy strives to create such a place.

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